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Fragrant Light - Healing Energy of Nature by Dr. Malte Hozzel

Fragrant Light - Healing Energy of Nature by Dr. Malte Hozzel

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Product Details

  • Article No. 8551
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There is a deep inter-connectedness of plants, the cosmos, and all living beings. In his 4th book, Dr. Malte Hozzel unveils more of his holistic vision of aromatherapy and essential oils.

 Discover the special recipes that are abundant throughout this book.


  • Fragrant light – Healing energy of nature
  • Lemon Verbena – A treasure house of wisdom and peace
  • Aglaia odorata – Floral seduction, floral bliss
  • Magnolia – Queen of the blossoms
  • Magical heart - Aspects of aromatherapy
  • Mandarin – Golden gift from mother nature
  • Niaouli – Breathe and protect with motherly care
  • Nutmeg – Spicy-mystic reconnector of our ‘body-mind’
  • Aromatherapy – A global action plan
  • Cajeput – Air in action – moving the inner winds
  • Cinnamon – spicy power medicine wrapped in sweetness
  • Fennel – An ancient panacea for the body, mind, and spirit
  • Clove oil – Healing with tropical fire
  • Thoughts on arthritis/ arthrosis – Aromatherapy and herbal medicine
  • Lemon oil – Luminous radiance for the soul
  • Nagarmotha – ago to the roots
  • Sandalwood – Fragrance from beyond
  • Anosmia – Loss of smell does not need to be final
  • Thuja – Matter to clean – spirit to rise
  • Cypress – The green flame to heaven
  • Pine – Ever green, ever fresh, for ever strong
  • Geranium – Animate, uplift, relax
  • Leaves – The green mystery

Plant Profiles:

  1. Lemon Verbena
  2. Aglaia
  3. Magnolia
  4. Mandarin
  5. Niaouli
  6. Nutmeg
  7. Cajeput
  8. Cinnamon
  9. Fennel
  10. Clove
  11. Nagarmotha
  12. Sandalwood
  13. Thuja
  14. Cypress
  15. Pine
  16. Geranium

paperback, 335 pages.